Experts in the field of job marketing sat in and shared their knowledge on the emerging trends of video Curriculum Vitae (CV) and personal branding in the UAE in The Jobs Talk Show, hosted by Sohaib Hasan, July 10.
The third episode of The Jobs Talk Show was made possible in partnership i12WRK, one of the leading job portals in the UAE, empowering job seekers and job providers engage in the local market through its website and applications which are equipped with the latest search and geo-location technologies.
Invited experts for the show were Trisha Chapman, expert Curriculum Vitae (CV) writer and founder of Impressive CV; Pegah Gol, a self-branding expert and Amazon best-selling author of the book The Formula: The Ultimate Guide to Modern Job Finding; and Louise Mwai, a Human Resource head and hiring expert.
During the interview, Chapman introduced the concept of video CV and gave tips on how to make one. She emphasized on the value of having a unique selling proposition about oneself, serving as the pitch of the video CV.
“What is your elevated pitch?” Chapman asked. “You have to make sure that that first initial pitch is right on the mark.” This pitch must showcase one’s personality, achievements, and competencies.
Chapman also shared that the making of a video CV does not require a lot of money, pointing out the use of a cell phone and simple light for the production of a decent video.
“At the end of the day,” Chapman emphasized, “it’s what your budget allows you.”
Meanwhile, Gol focused on personal branding, which pertains to how a person manages the perception of others such as a client about oneself, especially in terms of being an applicant suited for a targeted position.
Gol explained that although a relatively new buzz word, personal branding is nothing new.
“It’s a scary topic, and relatively new buzz word,” Gold explained, “[but] it’s not something we don’t know about yet. We all grow up and we have a personal brand.”
“If I want to put it into one word,” Gol added, “It’s your “reputation”.
Personal branding involves the impression a job seeker wants to leave to a recruiter with the aim of getting hired for a job.
Finally, Mwai allowed for a peek into the inner world of recruitment and human resource department, pointing out the dos and don’ts a job applicant must keep in mind. This includes paying attention to details and making the first 30 seconds of video CV count.
Among all the reminders, Mwai emphasized on the appropriateness of an applicant’s qualifications for the job, discouraging applying for a job for the sake of it.
“At a time where everything is fast-paced and we want to close a position as soon as possible,” Mwai shared, “what happens, more or less, is you will be sort of permanently banned by the recruiter if you apply for a job that you know is not suitable to you. You will be put in a box—you are blacklisted.”
Regardless of the industry, video CVs and personal branding are slowly easing their way into the world of the virtual marketplace and the new normal.
“The technology is really evolving,” Gol explained, “and it will reach a point that you don’t need to submit your normal CV. You have to send this one.”
“Sooner or later,” Gol predicted, “after the pandemic, everyone will start to realize that.”
i12WRK is a one of the top job portals in the UAE that utilizes the inclusion of video CVs as one of the filters used in the algorithm for its search engine for a speedier, more concise, and most satisfactory matching of job seekers and job providers.
Through its proactive take on technology-mediated upgrades and community empowerment through informative talk shows, i12WRK lives by its mandate as of one of the forerunners in promoting dynamic job market and boosting economic opportunities in the UAE.
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